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Sunday 24 November 1918
Played considerable Bridge all day & won 12/- from the Yankee Service men. Rup developes a cold. Three ships passed at night. Pretty sight.

Monday 25 November 1918
Topping Day & not rolling hardly at all. Greene took our photos. Reached New York late at night. Dance aboard. Wing. at Bridge.

Tuesday 26 November 1918
Dad Died.
After beaucoup trouble with baggage etc. we go ashore about noon to put up at the "Flanders" W. 47 St. Called at C.P.R. & got tickets fixed up. Entrained at 8 p.m. for Montreal. Rotten trip up.

Wednesday 27 November 1918
Stayed at the Queens, Montreal. Good place. Rather liked the city. People refreshing after the Yanks. Not impressed with the brains of the C.P.R. officials. Caught the 10.15 No. 1 Imperial in eveng.

Thursday 28 November 1918
On our way across Canada. Passed Ottawa in the night (last). Very cold and beaucoup snow. Dreary looking country. Sleeper quite bon.

Friday 29 November 1918
Snow all over the place but cars very warm. Passed Fort William & the top end of the Great Lakes. Played Bridge with Capt. Hamilton & a R.A.F. chap. Winnipeg at night.

Saturday 30 November 1918
Ice water still prevails here as in the U.S.A.!! Scenery still uninteresting. Crossing the Prairies.
They drink ICE WATER in Nov. N. York impressions – Custom men v. obliging. Not an atom of beauty in the city or harbour. Broadway lights in direct opposition to coal economy. They don't know there's a war on!! The people couldn't do better than to stop their hustle for five minutes & remember they only die.

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