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[Page 88]

Apl 16 tilation was almost stifling. Bailleul is a fairly large & very busy town & full of soldiers. The cobbles beat me though, too hard on a chaps feet. Every street of any importance is full of motors of all descriptions. Watched several interesting air fights between machines & anti-aircraft guns. Stood by an aerodrome & saw at least 7 planes & 2 balloons in the air at the same time, & the big guns were speaking now & then. Had tea at the YMCA & then strolled home, where a letter from Isabel awaited me, and Harry wanted to pinch the photo, but "Mafeesh". (The blackbirds called from hedges, as we wandered slowly by. We three of the 6th of the 2nd, Harry, Taffy & I. Now Harry's a staunch New Zealander, Taffy – a Welshman bold, and I – well, im an Australian, whose feet have not yet grown cold.)
Taffy & self are both bombers now, & Harry has promised to provide a fitting burial ---. [in margin] Sunday

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