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[Page 50]

service . Cards given by General Cox for raid. Brigadier gave out news about Aust move. favourable news I went to under ground caves. French people used to be in when the English used to be at war with them. very cold inside.

Cold again this morn. nothing exciting going on all to day. Horse in wheat sheaving.

On the move to day we left at 9 oclock where we will find out later. Beautiful country we went through about 8 mile. rest for dinner Breakdowns wounded [indecipherable] we were going forwards Artillery plenty of it all over the place hard march for some big stuff into the bargain we arrived at our destination about 6 oclock this evening. Rubempre

Rubempre Warloy is the name of the village we are in plenty of troops etc passing both ways. W plenty of soldiers we are stationed at a farm Big place (horses) Bayonet fighting all day

On the move again to day for where I am told Warloy plenty of artillery [indecipherable] & troops passed through village hellish muggy [indecipherable] drop down

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