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Dec 20 Nothing doing to-day.   There is still an absence of fresh water for ablution purposes.   Have to do all this in salt water which makes one feel very sticky, more especially under tropical conditions.   Went to Hospital to see how Duncan Woolley was and stayed with him and yarned.   Found him much improved.   In the afternoon, Lt. Gray gave us a French lesson.   At night we had a visit from the Kent's band which gave the troops a rare musical treat.   This place is still as hot as Hades.   There seems to be no diminution in these sultry and trying conditions and one only imagines how welcome one of our dear old Sydney's southerlies would be to alleviate the oppression a little, if only for an one hour.
Dec 21 The heat is still with us.   All on board were hoaxed this afternoon as the ship was observed to be moving forward under her own steam.   Turned out to be only a move further into the stream.   Freetown has a sandy bottomed harbor with a current that flows at the rate of about eight knots per hour.   This move was a result of the ship's change in position and the danger of collision in the case of a heavy blow, which comes to these places, at times.   Called to see Woolley again.   He was much better.   Had a washing parade.   Used rain water out of the ship's boats from the last storm.   Events much the same as usual.
Dec 22 Still at Sierra Leone, with the heat and sultriness.   All sorts of rumors floating around the ship anent leaving.   Wrote article for our Souvenir on our departure from Sydney.   Called to see Woolley again.   He is still improving.
Dec 23 Our company on duty again to-day.   Put on the Guard list.   Kept anniversary of engagement in silence, though thoughtful and with a mind full of hopes which are impossible of accomplishment or consummation at this moment and place.   Scratch concert on deck at night.   Did three turns for the boys.
Dec 24 Sunday.   Came off guard.   Very tired and sleepy.   Detailed for church service.   Rather annoyed at missing a sleep after guard.   Got it over and peeled off to try and keep cool and then had dinner.   In afternoon spent the time lying on the deck in the shade.   Eat coconuts and oranges.   At night the quartette rendered Adeste Fidelis at church meeting on deck.   Did not go around the ship singing carols, as was intended, as we all felt too tired from the previous night's guard.   Result of Coaling competition was announced.   Engineers party won and were awarded the prize of  £2.
Dec 25 Xmas Day.   Rose 6 am.   Attended R.C. Service on deck to render Adeste Fidelis by quartette, for the mass.   Had


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