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& so was still on the ship. Brian was brought off from the shore to the "Berrima" about 11 am. – He had been carried down some distance, & thence the time between the wounding & coming aboard. As soon as he came aboard we saw his case was hopeless. He was conscious & recognised us all. We made him comfortable with morphia. I asked him if he had any messages or any business I could fix up, but he said "No", he had given messages to Henderson. I remained with him till he died, at 1.45 pm. Towards the end he lapsed into unconsciousness & the end was quite peaceful.
We buried his body at Herbertshohe in the cemetery at dusk (about 6 pm) the same evening. The body was dressed in full uniform & buried with full military honours. Lieutenant Heritage commanded the funeral party. The Brigadier, Col Holmes, was represented by his A.D.C. Lieut Basil Holmes.
Since then, we have erected a plain