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[Page 108]

Replied to 3-5-17.

Mining Museum
George St North
Sydney, 1 May 1917

Dear Mr. Fry,
From the mornings paper we learn that the inscrutable will of the Almighty has decreed that Dene too shall reach the goal by one short step of victory over self. For him we must rejoice. – and for all our boys. But for his mother and yourself our hearts are very full. For you is the harder task of striving to the end. May God grant you grace.

For us who are left is the task of seeing to it that our notional life is ennobled and purified, and to be prepared to sacrifice much for this, even as our boys are doing.

Believe me, dear Mr. Fry, we are all with you in spirit to day, in deep sympathy.

Very sincerely yours
George W. Card

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