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Friday 9th April 1915. Still at Lemnos. Rumours are rife. It appears that we are off on Monday. Heard to-day that we are up against 300000 Turks. We are to have an equal force however. Meals are pretty fair. They are much better than on the Euripides. Am eating like a tiger. The dry canteen is in common parlance "up to dough." The individual behind the counter is a very casual sort of person, his work seems to him to be merely accidental. When you purchase from him you assume an obligation which it is impossible for you to wipe away. The usual insanity of lining up and waiting for a couple of hours for a woodbine is perpetrated daily. We are very crowded down here. The allowance of beer has been cut down to ½ a pint daily & great is the grief occasioned thereby. We have a regular fleet of warships in harbour right now. For breakfast we have porridge, boiled eggs, [indecipherable] with bread or salt fish & potatoes with bread & butter & tea. For dinner soup, meat & potatoes. For tea bread butter & jam with tea.

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