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[Page 9]

During this long time, she had left us without water food or medical assistance.
Our death roll was 113 including 3 Chinese. At 10.45 a.m. we were taken on board the Sydney bound for Colombo. On our arrival some of us were sent to Singapore and Capt. Mueller with his officers was taken to Malta.

Notwithstanding our light artillerie, the Enden accounted for a lot of damage on the Sydney, which in Capt. Mueller's opinion should'nt have got a scratch, if Capt.Glossopp had exercised better seamanship and strategy, and in view of his longe range heavy guns also the far superior speed, he only missed destruction by hairs breath being torpedoed. Also tons of shells were fired at us at first before the correct range was found.

Our landing party in charge of Lt. Mucke hid on the island until the Sydney had disappeared, when they took possession of the schooner, Ayshiya and sailed for Padang in order to take provisions.

After this they left and landed in December 1915 in Hodeida a Turkish town in the red sea.
From there they made their way through the desert bound for Constantinopel, which town they reached after 8 weeks of severe hardship.


[Transcribed by Rex Minter for the State Library of New South Wales]

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