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March 1917 April

Battery football & won by 13 points to nil. After about ten days hard training we had to pack up & moved again towards the line & marched about twelve miles & stayed at Montouban for the night. Our next move came next morning & went as far as Fremicourt & throughout the whole of the march it snowed very heavy and we were wet through when we reached our destination but we soon had a big fire going & dried ourselves. During the afternoon of the next day the 5th we again moved off & releived the 53rd Battn. in the firing line & I took charge of a post situated on a big railway bank the far side of Velu but I only had charge of this post for a few hours for I was releived by another platoon

& at dusk I had to make another post further out. During this time the Coy had sent out patrols & found that the enemy had evacuated for some hundreds of yards so before daylight our platoon advanced about 3,000 yds and dug in, in a big bank. As soon as we reached the bank I was again sent forward about two hundred yards & with four men & had to dig an outpost & came in at daylight then had to dig ourselves a "posy" & then had a good rest. Next night two more platoons came forward & dug in in supports to us. On the night of the 7th one platoon again went forward about three hundred yards & dug in in a sunken road

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