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28 Thursday
A very heavy frost on the ground this morning, very cold & bleak all day. Went to the Dentist at 10 am & after putting a bit of filling in one of my teeth (about 5 minutes work) he gave me another note to call tomorrow. It is absolutely ridiculous I reckon standing out in the very cold weather for 3 hrs. for 5 min. treatment. Detailed for filling the water cart out of a well in the afternoon. Very cold monotonous job.

29 Friday
Well I have got my teeth finished at last. went up at 10 am this morning & the Dentist finished filling them. Wrote three letters today. The A.D.M.S. Inspected A section including the transport, this afternoon. We had to go about half a mile away & as soon as we came back, I was detailed as orderly room messenger. I only had one message to go on though. Raining tonight.

30 Saturday
A kit inspection was held this morning, Result! I have to change my mounted equipment for dismounted. I prefer the mounted. Arrangements are being made for another evening New Years night. Not on any duties during the day. Two of our fellows overstopped leave in Amiens & were today awarded 3 days C.B.

31 Sunday
Very quiet all day. New Years eve kept up by some of the Bhoys. Carrying a bit of timber during the morning.

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