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[Page 17]

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Beat if ever i get a spell i will have a run over to England it is about twenty four hours journey from here and have a look at Kate and the rest. Tell the children i will not be long away now and don't forget to shove the tucker and clothes on yourself and children give them plenty of pennys for me and Kiss them every night for me and when you are right take them to see anything never mind spending your money because you know when i come back it will be the same old thing we will wack up if you have a bob. when i come back we will have a better together time than we had before together no more beer. I am just going to open a tin of Bully Beef and a biscuit for tea so good luck from your ever loving true Husband Tom

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Beat xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fred xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chris xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alma xxxxxxxxxxxx
Pvt T. Bell 3770
20th Battalion
5th Brigade
D. Company

[Written sideways]
Give my love to All
let my mother know all. How is Jess and billy and the little baby i hope it keeps alright. Tell Alma i will soon be back.

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