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saw what looked like a village,bovacked camels advanced in extended order was done it was only a sand bank with two crates on it & a lot of tall shrubs, returned to camp about 5.PM,received 3 letters one from Josie, maud s & dorrie H answered.
Friday Nov 3.11.16 Stand to 5.A.M. fed up had breakfast---two prisoners brought in watered camels issued with rations, Packed up and left camp at 3 P.M. on a stunt Patroled the med coast for about 8 miles had tea went 7 miles further and camped at 9.30 raining.
Saturday Nov 4.11.16. Patroling the Sinai Pernisula crossed a very Boggy salt lake had to walk and lead camels come to a large lake. Plenty of boats on it saw a place called nazareck.narrowneck

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