Item 01: Gordon Macrae diary, 12 November 1914-4 January 1916 - Page 114
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[Page 114]
They got in however no one being hit. The Turks must have got a great surprise seeing 10 men charging them. They fired like blazes for an hour later wasting a terrible lot of ammunition. I went after bags in the afternoon & had a swim. There was very heavy firing again at night & the cracking of rifles & bullets nearly deafened us. I saw a high explosive shell crash into the cook house of the 12th Battalion. It was funny seeing the tins & cans soar into the air. No one was hurt. There was a lot of artillery fire between 5 oclock & dark. At night the Turks tried to cut off the Queensland patrol, but did not succeed though young Reynolds was killed.
Wednesday 21st July
Fairly warm day. Was digging firing pits & sandbagging. One of our party Sam Odell was seriously wounded by a sniper & half an hour later Segt Tresilian our troop sergeant was killed