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[Page 80]

The Bedouins are reaping their corn all along the flat country of the Jordan valley or plain and Boaz & Ruth are scattered all over the landscape also donkeys, arab horses, camels – pictures by the mile, but the everlasting sense of duty forbids & I stick to "military interest".

My fellows of the War Records Unit are quite jolly & my two troopers look after me well, so everything in the garden is lovely except flies, mosquitoes & sandflies.

We move on to Jisr Benat Yakub a crossing of the Jordan about 20 miles above the Sea of Gallilee day after tomorrow & then on to Damascus, Amman, Salt – and home! Can't believe it but queer things happen & I may yet live to show you how to drive tacks into linoleum but it must be in my shack in the bush.

Yours Ever
G.A. Lambert (Capt.)
Official Artist
C/o H.Q. A.I.F. Cairo

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