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[Page 8]

With the red of the oleander and the scarlet of the hibiscus added to the painted glory of the butterflies for ever restless in their fickle flight there is the gaiety of color there and the manifestation of life that continues to superimpose decay. Within a new and roughly fenced portion of the plot are several newly made graves of men who have died on service here in the present war. No tree or scrub is yet planted to guard and shade these simple mounds of sand. They lie forlorn in the blinding glare of light cheap inglorious ragged ends to beings made in the likeness of their god.
Spreading sycamore trees of great beauty grow at the entrance of the graveyard. It is in the gracious shade of these that there is the life of today heedless of the dead of yesterday so near. In the cool of the black shadows are Australian soldiers, some slaking their thirst with iced drinks purchased from the wily Arab who is always picturesque no matter how unkempt

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