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Joseph Banks Esqr London.25th March, 1772
Bougt of Willm Wilson
No 35 Cannon Street
FBW a small Barrell
a small Parcell
No.1 - 6 doz. buffler Horn Penknives | @3/6 | £1..1... |
2 - 6 doz do do | 4/6 | 1..7... |
3 - 12 doz Buck Horn do | 1/9 | 1..1... |
4 - 6 doz do cap'd do | 2/3 | ....13..6 |
5 - 12 doz Buck Horn Spring Knives | 2/ | 1..4... |
6 - 8 doz Spotted do | 2/ | .....16.... |
7 - 6 doz Stagg Cutto do | 6/ | 1..16... |
8 - 12 doz prest horn Slope points do with Sheaths | 2/6 | 1..10... |
9 - 6 doz Bone handle table knives & forks | 2/9 | ....16..6 |
10 - 6 doz Womens Scissars | 2/ | ....12... |
11 - 6 doz Horse do | 4/6 | 1..7... |
12 - 1 gro Stampd bath metal Enamelled Knives | 45/ | 2..5... |
13 - 1 gro do do do | 48/ | 2..8.... |
14 - 1 gro do do do | 54/ | 2..14... |
15 - 4 Bunches red & white pipe enamelled Bead w. [19?] | @14d | 1..2..2 |
a Small Lignum Vita Box for pack thread | ....2..6 | |
a Strong Barrell with Iron Hoops | ....7.... | |
1 doz pint Drinking Horns by themselves (in paper) | ...10... | |
£21..12..8 |
Received April 1st the Contents of the above
In full for my Master Mr Wm Wilson
HD Williams
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