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July 20
Josph Banks Esqr to Stanf.d Parkinson
To a Searvents Glass in mahogny frame | £0-5-0 | |
To two Keys to Mohogney Buroe | 0-4-0 | |
27 | To 7 yards of Green Line for the Hall Lantron and puting up | 0-10-6 |
Aug 2 | To a round Mohogney tea board | 0- 8-0 |
To small Mohogney Cabinet the Inside with petions with two doors Open with Brass Handels |
2-18-0 | |
To takin doun a bed Stead som Other Jobs doun - | 0 - 3-6 | |
22 | To a five foot four post wanscot bed Stead with Mohogney feet pillows with Lath bottem Iron rod and Lath lace slips with blew and whit Cotten feurnituer Lind thout with lace Vallanc at Three Shillings and sixpenc pr yard |
18-18-0 |
To a Blew and whit Cotten festoons Window curtian with Lath Line Jossel and Clock pins putin up |
3-12-0 | |
To a 5 foot Gooss feather bed Bolster Two pillows with a fine boarderd tick |
9- 9-0 | |
To a Cranke Mattress Made of fine wool | 2- 5-0 | |
To Dito a whit one | 2-12-0 | |
To a fine 12 ¼ whit Quilt | 4- 4-0 | |
£45-7-0 |
Current Status: