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1st May Was at Trench Mortar School, TERDINGHEM. Met a large number of British Officers from all regiments imaginable. English, Scotch, Australian, Canadian, Irish and Welsh. Captain LEE is Commandant. He was in the reconnaissance in force which took BOIS GRENIER and nearly got into LILIE. The school is run on very good lines, coupling amusement with instruction.

4th) Nothing

5th Heavy bombardment of the salient in front of BOIS GRENIER by the HUNS. They fired 3000 shells on a front of 300 yards in about 2 hours. It commenced without any warning whatever. A" and B" Company of the 20th were in the front line. B" Company got particularly smashed up. Lt BLANCHARD captured, afterwards died of wounds in the enemy's lines. Lt.CONNOR killed, amongst others. Total casualties over 100, killed 30-40. Two strokes guns belonging to 5A 2 Battery were captured by the HUNS. The raiding party was armed with bombs and revolvers. One of our wounded men was shot on the ground by a German. The man lived long enough to state what had occurred and then died. The 18th Batn. Relieved the 20th that night. It was reported that many men were killed in their dug-outs in sitting postures and unwounded. Four of my Battery casualties, Gnr.JOHNSTON, killed, Cpl. DICKSON wounded, Gnrs.ROWE and HANSON wounded. Cpl.DICKSON'S life was saved by his steel helmet, a piece of shrapnel penetrating through the helmet, but not touching his head.

5th to 17th Too busy to write anything. Brigade Staff in a funk over loss of guns. Battery Officers placed under arrest. Received some ridiculous orders from Brigade which caused me to write to the General and say that if he cannot see his way clear to let me alone to do my job, would he return me to my Unit.

18th The following notices were nicely printed and placed out in front of the HUN trenches on various occasions 'John Bulls White Slaves". This way to Paris via Verdun". Advance Australia Fair (if you can)". We did not come to fight the sons of murderers and convicts.

19th Saw a Hun on the parapet, had a shot at him but missed. He was wearing a grey uniform, steel helmet Similar to ours, and black boots and gaiters.

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