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[Page 3] 

be changed for Sound ones
June 13  Plants look remarkably well we
expect that they will be fit to embark in the course of a month
The Flies no longer troublesome they increase in a degree scarce credible during the season of the Bread fruits ripening in the fruit which drop on the ground
The Ship washd with Boiling water to destroy Cockroaches & other Living vermin which this process effectively does the men are arrangd properly with each a Quart Pot of boiling water in his hand at a Signal they all Sluice the Part required at the same moment
in the beginning of June evident signs of Spring were observd the Cloth Plants shot from the earth & the Avee trees put out new shoots
   July 6   heavy rain this day
       7  the Plants have receivd great benefit from the rain of yesterday in ten days they will be fit for embarkation
     10  the plants in fine order some have made shoots of 2 or 3 inches the Gardiners[sic] agree that in a week they will be fit to take on board the Company employd in Starting the old water that new may be taken in for the benefit of the plants
14 Took on board 689 Pots
15  d.º              246. d.º
16  d.º              344   d.º in all 4281
18 Saild    The weight of the Plants brought the ship down 9 inches by the stern more than

Recapitulation of Plants on board    

Bread fruit 777 Large pots 313 Small  35 Tubs 26 boxes
Ayyas 4 21 2  
Rattahs 18 7    
aveës 8 17    




Current Status: 