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these 20 years I could adduce many other reasons beside these.

I shall now say a Few words about the internal management of affairs in this Country about 6 months ago only it was fortunately discovered that there was not above 8 months flouer [flour] in the Colony the Consequence was that a council was conveend & the Sirius orderd to the Cape of Good Hope for a supply of that necessary commodity & the Rations depend it was likewise judged necessary by his Excely to order a detachment of marines & convicts to a Place about 14 miles distant to cultivate the Land which is thought by those who pretend to understand it to be better soil & easier of cultivation than any nearer to us however plausible this may appear still the detachment is not yet gone (a few convicts excepted & the Season so far advanced that it is impossible they can raise grain time enough to prevent the impending danger in case any accident should happen to the Sirius.

An elegant brick house is built for the Governor & another of Hewn stone for the Lieut Govr.  An Hospital was began on our Arrival here & is not yet half finishd nor fit to receive an Object two store houses were bungled up & are now in a tottering Condition Private Convenience is the cheif study & I am sorry to add that neither order made nor regularity has appeared in any department in this Colony about 4 months since every gentleman had a grant of two acres of Land & a laborer to clear & cultivate them I can assure you that my brother officers & myself have been at a great deal of trouble & expence to effect this & now when we were likely to reep the fruit of our Labor the men are taken from us to be sent with the detachment above mentiond & I myself am orderd on the same

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