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April 29


as you agreed with me verbally to go out in the Investigator as a draughtsman long before any Idea of a naval pasport being obtaind had been suggested & as the engagement you this morning refused to sign was read over to you & altered to your satisfaction before Ld Spencer quitted the admiralty who objected then refused to accept apply for one had quitted the Admiralty, I think I am justified in supposing it possible that you may alternate the engagement under have other reasons for your conduct than you have thought fit to assign.

I think it my duty to secure if possible a draughtsman for the intended voyage who is willing to proceed under whatever circumstances it may be undertaking.  I therefore think it beg to know definitively whether you choose to engage in it or not & in case you in order that if you do not I may have time to choose some other person in your stead upon whom I may have a dependance when the time of sailing shall come which I apprehend is not far distant

I am Sir  
Your  Very Hble Sert

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