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River Running westward offers the means of penetrating into the Center of that vast Continent, exploring the nations that inhabit it & monopolising their Trade to our settlement at [Seresembie?], with a small force & at an expence which must be deemd inconsiderable when Comperd with the Object to be attaind; offers himself as a volunteer to be employ in exploring the interior of new holland, by its Rivers or otherwise as may in the event be found most expedient 
his moral character is unblemished, his Temper mild & his Patience inexhaustible as he had provd during his african expedition 
he is sufficiently versd in astronomy to make & to calculate observations to determine both Latitude & Longitude he knows Geography Enough to Construct a map of the Countries he may visit, draws a little & has a Tolerable Competent Knowledge of Botany & Zoology & has been educated in the medical Line 
he is very moderate in his Terms   he will be contented with 10/ a day & his Rations & happy if it is ad his pay (The amount of his outfit for instruments or in Presents & will not I think exceed £100)  is settled at 12/  # he will want a deckd vessel of about 30 tons under the Command of a Lieut with orders to follow his advice in all matters of exploring   
such a vessel may Easily be built in the country if this

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