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July 16 1791

Mr Wiles

You will receive from Capt. Bligh in the Course of a short time Instructions how you and Mr Smith are to conduct yourselves in carrying into execution the business which has been Committed to your charge I would have you communicate them to him & have no doubt that he will give you all the assistance in his power as it is his duty to do for it is meant that the Laborious Parts of your employment should be as equally as possible divided between you two.

You will observe that I have not mentioned any kind of Collection as your duty except that of Living Plants & have left you both by that means at Liberty to collect on your own account Birds shells insects Specimens in short every thing else you may meet with at such times as can be properly spared from your Duty.  you are therefore to remember that no Living Plants are on any condition to be received on board except those intended for his majesties use.

I shall be obliged to you if you will between you Provide for me a Compleat Collection of specimens of all the Plants you meet with & will readily repay you their value on their return.  I sincerely wish success to all your undertakings a fortunate voyage & a happy return.

P.S. Let me hear from you on every opportunity you have of writing home.

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