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S.S. [Soho Square] Feb 21 1805
I beg leave to acquaint you for the information of their Lordships that when their Lordships Predecessors at the Board, Settled the Rate of the Salaries to be allowd to the men of Science on board when being Sent to who volunteerd their Services on board HMS. Investigator on their Late voyage of Discovery, the Amount was understood by them & by me as intended to be as Not Receipt free from all deductions & thus the half years salary advanced to Each of them by their Lordships indulgence was recivd by them clear of all Net & undiminishd
During their Absence however the Commissioners of the Navy have found Judged it necessary to deduct 1/6 in the Pound from all moneys from each allowance deduct from all moneys This has been Receivd by Letter of Attorney on their account, in Consequence as I understand, of the word Salary having been inadvertently usd for the allowances granted to them by their Lordships, for an explanation of which I beg leave to enclose a Letter from Sir A.V. Hammond on the subject
as some of the Parties have already Returnd home & others are soon expected I request the Favor of you to take their Lordships Pleasure on this subject affair determination of the Navy Board, whether the Stoppages which have been made at the Navy Board, but which have not been returnd to the Tax office shall owing to a doubt of the Propriety of such measure deduction