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Admiralty Office 15 April 1801.


Sir Joseph Banks President of the Royal Society, having been consulted by us on some material objects touching the Equipment of His Majesty's Sloop Investigator, intended to proceed on a Voyage of Discovery, has pointed out to us that the several Articles specified in the inclosed List will be requisite for the said Sloop during the said Voyage, the largest portion of which are intended for Presents to the Natives of the Countries which the Investigator may Visit;  We signify the same for your information and do hereby desire & direct you to cause the said Articles to be forthwith provided & delivered into the charge of Capt Flinders Commander of the above named Sloop, who will receive our Orders for their application.

We are            
Your affectionate Friends
S.t Vincent
I Markham.

Navy Board

Admiralty Office
15 April 1801

List of Articles requisite for his Majestys Sloop Investigator, to take on her Voyage of discovery, for use presents to Natives &c

A Marqee complete
Bell Tents - 3
Canteens contg every necessary for Excursions - 3
Dust Shot to kill Specimens - 6 Bags
Nº. 6 - 6


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