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enough to allot to the Cabbin for 4 extra Passengers who were particularly noticed by the Court of Directors as intended to have a share in the bounty of the Company & sure it cannot be said to be wrong that a Capt who has received 4 Gentlemen as Passengers in his cabbin for the good of the service should have £210 a year allotted to his Table to which he will invite the Officers of the Ship just as usual when if alone he would have had £150 and as the Mess account must commence from the time a Mess was first held on board I cannot but think that the Ship will not return in less than 4 years from that time.

I understand some little difference of opinion has taken place between you & the Scientific Men respecting the assistance they are to give you during the course of the Voyage on this subject my opinion is as follows

The Astronomer I apprehend is instructed to give you on all occasions the Results of his Observations for the use of the Ship & of constructing Charts which will be drawn by you. In the case of the Naturalist & the Painters it is different they have no instructions to communicate for as it cannot be determined till the Ship returns home what part of their works ought to be inserted in the general Narrative it would be to occupy their time which will be well filld up in an useful manner if they were calld upon to transcribe or otherwise employ themselves than in making original observations & Drawings all they are expected

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