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S.S. Jan.16 1811
In order to Enable me to begin the business which the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty have done me the honor to confide to my superintendence, allow me Sir to Request that you will deliver to the bearer of this Capt. Flinders, the sketches, charts, Journals & other Ms in the office of admiralty that are deemed by their Lordships necessary to be Lodged in my hands, for the Purpose of Carrying on the intended Publication of the information of various kinds collected during the investigating voyage, if their Lordships will also favor me with the Loan of the two Pictures Painted by Mr. Westhall for the office I shall be enabled to judge whether it will be adviseable to introduce engravings taken from them among the decorations of the intended Book
From Sir
Your most obedient Servt.
John Barrow [Adm?]