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assistants are to mess with the Captain Commander, and that the allowance made to the miner & gardener who are to mess as warrant officers, the separate from those of the Ship, of £21 is exactly the same for the Period of 3 years at least as is given for the Mess of a man who takes has a passage to [indecipherable] in the warrant officers mess.  

it is fitting when I make these remarks that I should add that I have heard no complaint either from the Captain or the officers or the scientific men, they shall be Contented with whatever the Court shall finaly allott to them.  The Remarks I have made originate Solely with myself, but at the same time I have no doubt that a more liberal encouragement on the Part of the Court will produce in the minds of all of them a more attentive examination of all things the articles, in which the Company may have an particular interest and a more zealous desire to benefit their benefactors & I cannot help adding that Liberal encouragement to the very popular business of discovery cannot fail to do credit to the very respectable & very generous body over which you Sir so Laudably preside.

I am Sir
with much esteem & Respect
your very Hble Servt





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