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necessarily detained him on board his Ship, thus thwarted the evil projects of his cowardly Enemies.
Since the Governor's compulsatory departure, this self created government, consisting of Paterson their Cats paw as its reputed head, Lieut. Colnl Foveaux the intimate friend of McArthur, & the Rebel Johnston's successor in the usurpation, Nicholas Bayley a Conspirator & one of McArthur's most active confederates & dependents, Captn Abbott a Conspirator and partisan of McArthurs, & Lieutenant James Finucane of the N.S. Wales Corps their Secretary, have granted to their creatures, vast tracts of land in farms & Estates of from 30 acres to 4000 Acres; the Government Herds are bestowed in a similar manner, & free pardons & Emancipations have been indiscriminately granted to almost all the atrocious criminals that have been transported to this Country Colony - all the principal Irish Rebel Chiefs have been pardoned, many of whom conscious of the invalidity of these instruments are now hastily quitting this Country for Ireland, previous to the arrival of the expected Successors; & although