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dispatches & I have promised him extracts from all my official papers on the subject he enters into it with pleasure he has even begd to be asistd in studying the subject   I have promised I will give him some of our best Treatises  I beg you will let me know the best you can think of that I may furnish him completely   he is become my pupil by accident I will make him a botanist by choice

I beg an answer by return of post
Adieu believe me dear sir
etc etc

[Reply from Banks]

Banks  Sept 9 1787

Dear Sir
I was am not a little alarmed at the [rece.t ]of you if Capt B is not sufficiently instructed & the purpose of the voyage consequently in danger of being lost    blame must lay somewhere & no one is so likely to support the burthen of it as your Hble Servant  I have therefore enclosed your letter to Mr Nepean & I requested him to signify to you that before I left town I askd most particularly whether any more was wanting from me toward the instruction for the Bounty & was told there was not but if anything new should arise I should  and if there were I should be written to on the subject

They have in the Sec of State office the original plan of the voyage which I gave to Mr. Pit  & the instructions intended for Governor Philip which were to guide him in forming instructions for the master of the vesell originally intended to have  been dispatch from Botany Bay &

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