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Soho Square
Jan 13 1811
As Capt Flinders has now returnd from the Country and is prepared to Commence the necesary Preparations for the Publication of The Remarks Journal of his voyage on the investigator in Case if their Lordships think fit approve of the measure, I beg Leave to furnish you for their Lordships information with a Copy of the fifth & 6th articles of the Engagement under which the men of science employd on that occasion undertook the charge of their respective departments
I beg leave on this occasion and offer to their Lordships, in Case they stand in need of it, the same superintendance in the management of Engravers Printers draughtsmen etc etc as I had the honor to execute under the direction of the then board of admiralty, in the Publication of the third voyage of Capt Cook, it will give me great Pleasure if on this occasion I find myself able to be useful to their Lordships
in the Case of Capt Cooks 3d voyage the drawings and Engravings were prepard at the Public charge the Paper & Printing of all Kinds, was paid for out of the Proceeds of the work
I have the honor to be Sir
your most obedient Servant