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Monday 23rd April
Fine day, for a long time, done some cooks fatigue and then went over to canteen, came back and got some wood, feeling good, Fritz over trying to get our observation balloon, burnt one, no news of Battalion, still up the line.

Tuesday 24th April
Another fine day, heavy bombardment up the line, Fritz still going strong, still attached to Lewis machine gunners, got a bit cold in evening, managed to borrow a few francs, still doing well, tucker fairly light here barring N C O's who have a loaf a man, the mens issue.

Wednesday 25th April
Fine day, got up for light breakfast of ΒΌ loaf a day, still back here at transport lines in reserve, no word of shifting further, Fritz over in his planes, heard Albert out of bounds.

26th April Thursday
Got up not too early and had a good feed of bacon, 3 to a loaf, went on cooks fatigue, done nothing on rest of day, still in transport lines near Vaux on Vraucourt Rd, heavy shelling by naval guns, no pay, living on gov't hard buiscuits, Sergt's living well here, Moreil supports, heard we were over the top in morning.

27th April Friday
Still in Transports lines, done a little fatigue in cook house, getting bit better luckier, heavy bomb't on left sector, Fritz naval guns shelling about here, Brigade band playing, bit cold, turned in, heavy bomb't still going on strong, did not sleep too well, 4 to a loaf.

28th April Saturday
On cooks fatigue still, fine day, fritz naval guns still shelling line, not many planes up, no word of shifting yet. Still up here about 2 miles from Norveil, heard Battn was over tomorrow, had a light day, heavy bomb't at night by Fritz up Norveil way.

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