
evening was rather refreshing and cool and the [sun not clear] 
The whole of the way today lay across good soil – with the hills on our left – and the dry creeks we had to pass took each somewhat of the N.W. direction and had evidently overflown their banks – and  The curious ploughed appearance occurred in several places and remarkable [indecipherable] worth attention a little South of [Lodie's] station showing clearly the meeting of these ridges so as to lead to a general channel and evident proofs of their formation by the recession of a flood of waters – at 31m p 10 observn. alt of Alcyone – one of the Pleiades = 70º 6' 20"
[  ] = 70.0 6.'20' - [   ] - [The] time was
that both of the Chronometers [  ] of my watch set to the [after]
time of the [   ] of 7th [  ] 


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