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[Page 24]

There are only about 90 white inhabitants living in 8, so we were told!

(Dec 9th 1916) We have been here a week now another transport came in tonight, a French one, our band struck up the "Marseillaise".

(Dec 14th 1916) We are preparing to leave Sierra Leone now, messages are flying from ship to ship. The warboats are getting into their particular formation now.
At twenty minutes past 3, today the 14th, we slowly moved off from Freetown, after putting in the hottest twelve days in my life.

No lights are allowed at night now; not the glimmer of a cigarette, that would mean perhaps the loss of hundreds of life, through the agency of a "sub" We are travelling in a given formation; the auxiliary cruiser in the lead. Life-boat drill is frequent now, everyone realises the possible danger of an enemy "sub" or "subs"

As we neared England, the weather became colder each day. We spent Xmas day at sea in the best circumstances we could.

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