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[Page 457]

steadily at no faster pace than a walk & that as if on parade

The Rifle & Machine gun fire seemed to be getting "thicker" & the "cracks" seemed closer & closer.

After going another 200 yards that same officer roared out another order, Will that platoon touch in to the right! He had not noticed that his own platoon had been swinging away to the right so that when he brought in the 3rd platoon the line was very quickly "concertinered" & he had then to roar, Ease away on the left? Although the fire was getting "hotter" & "hotter" this sort of thing made the men "mad" & they growled angrily.

When that same officer shortly afterward again roared, That 3rd platoon touch in to the right! he was plainly told in not too polite language to "Keep his ruby mouth shut"

Even under such circumstances the men could not but express disgust at an officer behaving in such a manner. However that was an end to the "orders".

It was really wonderful to see how that line advanced, by this time the fire from the Hun trench presented the appearance of an unbroken sheet of flame and it seemed marvellous that the line was still going forward, steadily all the time, still at a walk.

When at a distance of about 200 yards from the trench the long looked for Order came roaring above the din of the belching bullets. Charge!!!

Instantly! Away went that line at the double! Every man looking right straight ahead, straining every muscle & nerve, only too eager to reach the enemy in the shortest time possible. Not the least hesitancy was shown, the line at the "double" appeared just as straight as at a walk. But 200 yards with extra ammunition etc is a long run even when eagerly anxious to encounter a detested enemy, & by the time that there still remained from 50 to 70 yards

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