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[Page 51]

in bed all to-day, slept fairly well. Am in the officers Ward still but we are very quiet, not much to do at night, Matron thinks it will be a rest for me, after so much hard work, while on day-duty here. They have an extra Orderly to help in the day time, so it will not be so heavy for the next sister. I had Saturday afternoon & Sunday until 7.30 p.m. off duty, so you see we are having much better hours. I do not think I shall be coming on transport yet, if we do not move on before May I shall volunteer – Of course I may be sent, one never knows what my happen. I wish I had bought some brassware while I was in Cairo, always intended to get some to take home but now it will be so hard to get it & then we are not allowed so much luggage. May be able to get a few ornaments & send them home. Must get rid of some of my luggage. Am sending a small parcel this week. I got

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