Item 01: Joseph Michael Bolger diary, 8 July 1916-6 May 1917 - Page 65

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[Page 65]

Reached magdaboh about 4.30PM unpacked and had tea. Detailed for a pumping party fell in 7PM went to wells in a deep hollow Pumped about 6000 gals of water one canvas trough busted had to fill it again Pumped till 11PM returned to camp and turned in 11.30PM cold night
Sunday 18.2.17. stand to 5A.M loaded up 6A.M unloaded had Breakfast and washed camels turned them out to graze tea 4PM fell in for outpost walked about 2 miles and carried blankets and all ammunition reached post and turned in 7PM cold night Monday 19.2.17 stand to 5A.M am at the outpost feet nearly frozen intense cold 6AM left post and returned to

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