Item 01: Joseph Michael Bolger diary, 8 July 1916-6 May 1917 - Page 62

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[Page 62]

taube over air craft guns firing never hit him as far as I know. 3.30PM raining hailstorm dug out full of water turned in 8PM fine night
Tuesday feb 13.2.17. Stand to 5.30AM had breakfast fell in for inspection watered camels fine warm day issued with pair of breeches on picquet to night 9 to 11. Fine night turned in 11.15PM
Wednesday Feb 14.2.17. Stand to 5.30AM had breakfast went for water returned to camp general inspection in full marching order had dinner inspected again 2.30. by general Smith too much inspection is my opinion
Wed 14.2.17. turned out 5.30had Breakfast qm fatigue fine day rum issued very good 4.PM looks like rain sky Black as ink turned in 8AM sprinkling rain

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