Item 01: Joseph Michael Bolger diary, 8 July 1916-6 May 1917 - Page 124

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[Page 124]

Denham Court

A camel came galloping into our camel lines his camel propped and throw him on his head looked if he was hurt he said no he got up and ran for his life to the beach he never waited for the camel and ----- stopped on some thing I can see a great fire burning in ------- had a good sleep.
Had a good swim am feeling well wrote to Josie and maud sent a field card to Walter Yates had tea 4.30 turned in 7.P.M. cool night enemy firing at our planes was awakened about 9.30 5 taubes over dropping bombs everywhere chaps running in all directions some chap ending

[Transcribed by Bill Coupland and Adrian Bicknell for the State Library of New South Wales]

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