Item 01: Joseph Michael Bolger diary, 8 July 1916-6 May 1917 - Page 116

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[Page 116]

went into trenches 7.PM. can hear big guns firing I was on 3 post 11.30 had to report to [indecipherable]Coy every hour turned in again 1.45 all clear big guns firing all night
Friday April 27.4.17. stand to ¼ to 4 put all gear on lined trenches till 6.AM. boiled fruit tin of water had breakfast I feel very dirty I have not had a wash for three days now. Digging trenches all day had three letters from win had tea 5.30. digging again till 10 P.M. turned in 10.30 we don't get much rest just now.
Saturday April 28.4.17 stand to 4.A.M. went up to the trenches walked back again had breakfast went

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