Item 01: William Daniel Hardy diary, 9 October 1915-31 December 1916 - Page 83

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[Page 83]

29 Monday
Sailed 8.30 am with two gun boats as a convoy. Very poor food being given out. Orders for life belt to be worn all day & put within reach at night time. There are close on 2800 men on board, consisting of Infantry, pioneers, Light Horse, Army medical, Army service & Engineers. I am occupying No 3 bed No 78 cabin below deck.

30 Tuesday
A bit better food given out. Boat drill being held continually. Boat taking a zig-zag course to dodge Submarines. A lot of gambling going on, nearly every art being used. Weather getting much colder. African coast in sight nearly all day. Orders Reveille 5.30 am parade 6-7am breakfast 7 am parade 9.30 am, dinner 12.15 pm, parade 3 pm, tea 5 pm. Lights out 7 pm.

31 Wednesday
Felt a bit Missed being on 6 am parade. Slept in. punishment metered out for same, 4 hours deck swabbing. Only one cruiser now as convoy the other one going back. Sea rather choppy in morning. Deck swabbing was very easy, but it was very cold & the water came through my boots a couple of times.

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