State Library of NSW
[Page 125]
23 MondayThere is some talk of us going back to the Somme Front again, I hope it isn't true anyhow. Marched from Ouderdom to Reninhhelst about 7 pm. We had to put up the best we could in a marquee tent, the ground was very hard to sleep on after sleeping in beds at the previous places. Sent Parcel away to home in the morning (Freight 3½ [indecipherable])
24 TuesdayFell in 8.30 am & marched to Goderwaersvelde. Rather a large town about 8 miles from Reninghelst & about 2 Kilometres on the French side of the France-Belgian border. Pte Le Clerk rented a room in a Hotel (estaminet) here, & as it is a double bed I am sharing it with him. It will be a treat to get between the sheets again. The rent is one Franc for the night.
25 WednesdayThis last couple of days it has been very wet & bitterly cold. My word it was a treat to sleep in a decent bed once again, I didn't like getting up in the morning. The people about here nearly all speak exceptionally good English. Everywhere it is very muddy. The trees are becoming to get bare of leaves now as it is well into Autumn here. The Germans seem to pushing well into Rumania, they have captured Constanza, Rumania's chief Port.
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