Item 01: Gordon Macrae diary, 12 November 1914-4 January 1916 - Page 19

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went for a swim. A good crowd of visitors came out. Decided to allot my pay in the following manner 2/- per day for myself, the rest to my mother.
Monday 14th [Dec]
Started in orderly room. Had an easy day. The regiment was inoculated for the second time. Seemed to hurt much more this time. 5th Queensland Light Horse arrived at Liverpool. Went into Sydney at night & stayed in Drummoyne.

Tuesday 15th
Got back to camp at 9 oclock. Several men discharged from "A Squadron & transferred to Reserve Regt. Getting pay sheets ready for tomorrow. No drills. Troop took horses out for grass.

Wednesday 16th
Working in orderly room

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