Item 01: Gordon Macrae diary, 12 November 1914-4 January 1916 - Page 15

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afternoon & caught the 4.22pm train to Liverpool. Got back to camp at 5.30.

Decr 5th
Was brought up before the Colonel for being a day overdue. Capt Oatley put in a good word form me & I was let off with a 10/- fine. My horse was sent to the sick lines so I rode Weekley's. Had some bayonet pointing on horseback. Got point in the morning. Mounted drill in the afternoon. Rob Long's horse. Got no points in the afternoon. Put in some time at the dismounting for action drill. Warm day. My day as tent orderly. Got to bed early.

Sunday 6th
Church parade in the morning. No parade in the afternoon.

Whole of the 6th & 7th Regts were inoculated against typhoid.

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