State Library of NSW
[Page 116]
July 1915exchanged shots with the Queensland outpost. One man got hit.
Sunday 25thHad a fairly good sleep in the morning We got 3 high explosive shells from the Turks but no one was hurt. There was a good deal of shrapnel in the afternoon. We are making good progress with the tunnel 22 ft when we knocked off at 8 pm. Was served out with a good rum issue after tea. Today we had fresh meat, rice & milk.
Monday 26thJoe Woods got wounded in the leg with shrapnel. Over 30 men in B Squadron out of 90 paraded to the doctor this morning & he said the Regt would soon have to have a spell as the men were worn & tired after so much hard work. Did not go on afternoon shift. We were allowed 12 hrs off after inoculation which was 2 days ago. There was a lot of artillery fire after 6 oclock both high explosive shrapnel.
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