Item 01: Gordon Macrae diary, 12 November 1914-4 January 1916 - Page 141

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[Page 141]

September 1915
early this morning, so also were the naval guns down south. Had a good days spell but was on observation at night. It was very dark & cloudy & looks like rain.

Wednesday 15th
It began to rain at 3 am & kept up fairly steady till 7 am. Had a fairly easy day. Things were very quiet. Drew 3rd shift at night.

Thursday 16th
Received letters from Carrie & mother also a packet containing socks & chocolate. Got leave to go round to the left. Looked up Capt Edgley of the 19th Battn. He was very pleased to see me & we discussed old times & Dorrigo identities for some time. He was looking well & carries the same old happy smile. I got back to our lines at 6 pm.Tpr Watts of our troop was severely wounded, shot through the hip. We carried out a demonstration along the line at 10 pm. The Turks thought we were

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