State Library of NSW
[Page 171]
December 1915was a complete success only 3 men being wounded. The Turks did not find out & I believe shelled heavily next day. We heard also that Greece & the Bulgarians had come into conflict.
Friday 24thPut in a very quiet day on board We sighted the "Beltana" in the afternoon. She left Lemnos 15 hrs before us. We are travelling very fast & taking a zig-zag course to avoid submarines.
Saturday 25thArrived at Alexandria early in the morning & took the pilot aboard at daylight. We did not draw alongside till noon. We were served with a splendid Christmas dinner on board. At 4 pm the Light Horse disembarked & the train left for Cairo at 6 pm. We had a terrible bumpy journey, but managed to knock out
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