State Library of NSW
[Page 23]
enemy's reinforcements began to come up the fight between the land forces became fiercer & fiercer. About this time our boat was ordered on past the line of the warships in order that we could disembark. Presently the naval pinnaces came round with boats. When landing some of the 3rd Brigade had left their packs in the boats. One of them was stained with blood. I shall never forget the peculiarly subduing effect that this had on us. After awhile we were marched down the gang way & so into the boats. Then we pulled out in a bit of a semi circle and so to the shore. As we were going across the Turks tried to shell us but their efforts were reduced practically to nil as they were easily mastered by the guns of the navy. A few shells fell but none anywhere near us. When we got on shore we were formed up & marched off to our rendezvous. Here we remained until about 4 o'clock. All day long the fight raged in front of us and the bullets went whizzing
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