Item 02: Hunter Gibson diary, March 1915 - March 1916 - Page 20

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[Page 20]

is a pretty good place for sea-bathing for anyone, well enough to indulge in it. The doctor comes round once a day. My wound is progressing pretty satisfactorily. The Allies in the Peninsula are making steady progress. Very little news comes through. Censorship is more than usually severe. It is rumoured that fever has broken out amongst our men. Italy has not yet declared war although her people seem anxious for it. Have not had any word of Vic Brown. We get no reading matter out here. The weather is beautiful though; some find it a trifle warm. One can often not find the slightest trace of a cloud even on the horizon.

Tuesday 8/6/15. Am once again aboard. Am on the Transport AI 8      (Cardigan shine) and off back to the Dardanelles. The destination probably Lemnos. Have not got rifle or equipment yet. Am also minus a razor to which fact my phyz sometimes bears eloquent witness. Heard to-day that Vic Brown was in Hospital 17 & has been sent to England. The bullet knocked out some of his teeth cut his tongue and

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