Item 02: Hunter Gibson diary, March 1915 - March 1916 - Page 7

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[Page 7]

Monday 5/4/15. Last night Yesterday morning we came on board the Lake Michigan, the transport at present conveying us to the Island of Soumos Lemnos where we get our orders. We may be here an hour or a couple of days. It is reported that we will have to land under fire. Dinner yesterday was pretty crook. Breakfast was good no middling. To-day the meals have been passable. We are to be issued before landing with 3 or 4 days' rations & 200 rounds of ammunition. The vibration of the vessel makes it rather difficult to write. I have escaped sea sickness so far, which is agreeably surprising.

Wednesday Tuesday 6/4/15. Still on the Lake Michigan and travelling North. We have now been issued with 200 rounds of ammunition The greatest good humour prevails everywhere and we are looking forward eagerly to the first encounter. The ammunition balances the pack and I think that we would be able to march much longer distances with full than with empty pouches.

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